Tuesday, January 24, 2012

my ascendant is wtf

When I was young enough to think I knew everything, I looked old enough that people listened.  Now that I'm old enough to admit I know little, I apparently look young enough that no one wants to listen to my well-researched facts.

I had a frustrating encounter a while back.

There was a young woman seeking to learn more about astrology.  The older woman confessed to not knowing much about astrology, specifically the stuff I had never delved too deeply into like trines and degrees and chirons, etc.  So I candidly expressed that I was no expert myself.  All I can say is, I really should give myself more credit.  Apparently my idea of not knowing a whole lot is a bit different than other people's.

First there was the usual conflation of astronomy and astrology.  I tried to explain that the Tropical zodiac we use in Western astrology has nothing to do with where the constellations have moved.  I went over all the basics I've said before in my other blog, like explaining in detail why your sign has not frikkin changed.  I had to clear up the usual cusp bullshit of "but this book says I'm a Cancer and this book says I'm a Leo."  (You have to go by the planetary placements the year you were born... not what the back of the TV guide says it is this year.)  I had to hear all about sun signs not fitting people as if the rest of their charts didn't even exist.  I didn't even bother getting into the decanates as I was already pulling blank looks at this point.

I heard just about every stereotypical misconception about astrology there is, and every time I tried to correct their misinformation I was merely listened to quietly and then they continued on with their conversation as if I had said nothing of relevance.  Did what I say really just go over their heads that much?  Or were they just thinking I couldn't possibly have the 'wisdom' of the older woman?

I felt so frustrated and impotent.  But this is pretty typical for my run-ins with the Pagan community.  This is also why I stay out of most political conversations.  It's one thing if we have differing opinions... but damn it, your opinions do NOT trump facts.


  1. LOL! I like your post title!

    Indeed, astrology gets such a bad rap! Oh well, I'm one person on your team! It's absolutely true the degrees change per year, and your birth time the following year, may not actually be the same sign (of course, if close to the 29th degree). Hence, Solar Return charts are different every year!

    While I find decanates interesting, I don't personally work with them too much.

    My Sun is in Pisces, Asc Sag and Moon in Gemini! What about you?!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you!

      It's good to hear from someone that understands what I'm talking bout. I admit I haven't done much with astrology in years, but encounters like this keep tempting me to get back into it. I recommend giving the decanates another look... they really add flavor to your sun sign. I'm a third decanate Libra and I've always found first decanate Libras to be really weird. Those planetary sub-rulers seem to hold quite a bit of sway as to how the sun sign presents itself. ;)

      Nice! I'm a Libra sun with Capricorn Ascendant and Virgo moon.

      Hope you had a great weekend as well!
